Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Janice Beckett

Class of 1979. Member of first year of Parkview Color Guard, served as Captain 1977-1979. PHS Viking Band 1975-1979. Band Council Secretary 1978-1979, Student Council 1977-1979. 

Proud parent of Allison Beckett, Class of 2004,(Band, Volleyball, Basketball, Track) and Matt Beckett, Class of 2008 (Band, Soccer, Track, Student Council Assemblies Commissioner). Served as Band Booster President 4 years during the 8 years my children attended PHS. Member of the founding committee for The Valhalla Marching Band Competition, served as Event Coordinator 2003-2007. Married to Pete Beckett, also Class of 1979.


Janice is a Registered Nurse, with Certification in Wound Care. She is a Wound Care Nurse at Mercy Home Health.


"I love Parkview, all of the memories that have been made over the years while sharing and celebrating the PHS pride and traditions. My favorite memories of Parkview are Friday night Football games, marching from the courtyard across Grant, making a grand entrance through the gate and around the track with the 'Sal' (George of the Jungle) Cadence!"

Friday, August 19, 2016

Shela Lovewell

Shela Lovewell taught business from October, 1983 to October, 2002. She also sponsored Lassies and FBLA. 
Since PHS,  "I was a curriculum facilitator, instructional specialist and assessment specialist with Springfield Schools. I Retired in 2014. My favorite PHS memory? The life-long friendships formed with students and faculty."

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Kathy Sechler

Class of 1967.

"I was a counselor at Jarrett Middle School for 25 years. Most of the students from Jarrett go on to attend Parkview so I had the privilege of watching the school grow and change over the years. Several of my classmates shared their work on the committee and I wanted to be a part of planning the 60th Anniversary. 

"While at Parkview I was a member of the Lassie Drum Corps. I have fond memories of school performances, bus trips, early morning practices (not so fond), and good friends I made along the way."

Bill Estes

Bill Estes 

Parkview Class of 1967

"I am retired from AT&T as Operations Manager for Southwest Missouri in July of 2004. I now have a classic car restoration shop Last Chance Garage.
I Served 4 years in the Air Force during Viet Nam came back and attended SMS (MSU). Parkview was good to me and I would like to give back and also connect with old friends."